
Story von Elif Diricanli

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Zielland Niederlande
Geburtsdatum 15.05.1993
Soziale Netzwerke

Elif Diricanli, am 14.08.2017 um 10:09

Research Project

My project was on the TV !

My research project about lithium-ion batteries was on the local news ! It`s in Dutch, but I think most of the German speakers can understand easily. I can get most of the stuff with my broken German even :)

As I mentioned before this is a joint project with Technical University Delft. So the responsible people in TU/ Delft lab and my supervisor talks about the anode development process. 

Link below :

It starts from the 22 th minute.

Also to give an idea of where I manufacture my batteries, you can see it below in the picture, the glove box that I am using.

Glove box, ECN