
Story von Elif Diricanli

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Zielland Niederlande
Geburtsdatum 15.05.1993
Soziale Netzwerke

Elif Diricanli, am 02.10.2017 um 14:59

Traditional Dutch Celebrations (Interesting)

Abraham & Sarah

Woop Woop..

This weekend I  happen to witness another interesting Dutch tradition without actually knowing that was a tradition.  My boyfriend`s dad turned 65, although this tradition usually to the people whom turn 50, it is still a good surprise on 65th as well.

Its called "seen Abraham " for men and for women "seen Sarah". Apparently it means you are old  and wise enough to have ‘seen Abraham’ or if you’re a woman – old enough to have ‘seen Sarah’ and your whole street will know about it! 

The names come from the biblical figures, Abraham and his wife Sarah. According to the bible, Abraham lived until he was 175 and Sarah until she was 127… so if you make it to 50 you’re deemed old enough to have ‘wisdom through experience’. On the night before the person’s birthday, a giant blow up or made up doll identifies Abraham/ Sarah is placed in front of the person’s house to ensure the birthday person actually does see Abraham (or Sarah) on their 50th.

It is also said that a 50 year old person must have the same wisdom of life and dignity as Abraham. All of them can count as same when you are 65 too ! There’s a big party with, you guessed it – cake !!

Everyday a new knowledge... gotta love it.

Friesland, Netherlands