To me: I am in my second year of my bachelor’s degree in Tourism & Leisure Management and am currently completing my compulsory internship in the Admissions Office at Atlas Language School in Dublin.
Having lived in England as an au pair for nearly a year plus doing my bachelor’s degree in English, I felt quite confident about taking the next step and starting my 6-month internship in Ireland in an English-speaking environment.
I started to become somewhat doubtful about the whole thing when people began to tell me that the Irish accent is another story and that I might struggle at work.
Nonsense, all worries have been in vain, because believe it or not, but literally nobody in my office is Irish! Dublin has become a very international place with people from all over the world and I share my office with people from Germany, Italy, France, Spain, Argentina, Croatia and Slovakia.
Lesson Learned: Just go for it! Don’t get insecure by other people telling you off and do not listen too much to others’ opinion. You will always grow from going abroad, meet inspiring and great people and develop loads! Never let people make you anxious.