
Story von Chiara Kratzer

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Zielland Irland
Geburtsdatum 22.05.2000
Soziale Netzwerke

Chiara Kratzer, am 05.03.2019 um 23:10

The beauty of Ireland

The last few days have been amazing!

On saturday I didn‘t had to work so we got up early and wanted to do some sightseeing. We went to the museum of art that is basically in the center of the city, sadly it was closed exactly on that day because there was a private event.

So we decided to go to the „Cork City Gaol“ instead and it was super interesting! You get to put on headphones and you can choose whatever language you‘d like and you get to listen to the history of the jail.

On Sunday we went to the Jameson Whiskey Distillery with the whole group and even though I don’t really like the taste and especially not the smell of Whiskey, it was quite a nice experience. 

Monday was really the best day since I’m here. We booked a bus trip to the „Cliffs of Moher“ and it was one of the most amazing and unbelievable things I have ever seen! It was pretty windy, cold and rainy but it was still absolutely worth it.

Today I had to work again, but it was nice, I got to blowdry a lot and try some updos on mannequins. The weather was horrible today so we just went home later.

Cliffs of Moher