
Story von Verena Fuchs

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Zielland Niederlande
Geburtsdatum 10.11.1996
Soziale Netzwerke

Verena Fuchs, am 30.08.2018 um 16:52


Beach vibes in the Netherlands: cloudy, windy but lots of shells! :-D

Sunny days at the beach in August in Holland? Yes, that's possible but you won't see this phenomenon quiet often. Nervertheless the beach in Scheveningen is a beautiful place to be! At the pier with the big wheel you can do some activities like bungee jumping or flying fox. If you just want to walk through the sand don't forget to bring your jacket because there ain't no day without a gust of wind. At the beach in front of a museum there are some cute fairytale figures made out of iron. You can ride your bike or go by tram to this wonderful place. With this let me conclude: enjoy your visit and be aware of the highly priced restaurants at the beach! :-)